Monday, August 26, 2013

Thank God Its Monday!

This morning my boyfriend text me TGIM. This was the first time I'd heard of this acronym/phrase, but it wasn't the first time I'd considered the thought. It occurred to me while I was in the military that Mondays were far better than Fridays. They usually went by pretty fast. It was always a chance for a new start, and I went to work feeling a tad bit more refreshed than I ever would have on a Friday. Fridays usually dragged by even when they were busy. I found myself continuously watching the clock eager to start my weekend. And then when it was time to get off, I was usually too exhausted to do anything anyway. Fridays were overrated!

So why does everyone hate Mondays and praise Fridays? Perhaps it is because so many people are simply going through the motions the remainder of the week, going to jobs they dislike, with people they may not care for, and work that doesn't inspire. In America, and many other Country's, people live for the weekend, Saturday and Sunday, that's it! Two days out of the week, eight days out of the month, where we get to do the things we want to do instead of the things we feel we have to do. I don't know if there is anything more sad :( We trade in five miserable days of labor for two measly days of relaxation.

This is what my journey is all about, figuring out what I love to do so that I don't have to dread Mondays, and live for Fridays. And once I do that, I will encourage others to do the same. Because I refuse to live in a world where people only live 2 1/2 days a week. No wonder our Country is obsessed with drugs, alcohol, sex, celebrities, and violence. We'd rather watch people live on television or on the big screen, than take a chance at life ourselves. Talk about oppression, right here in our own Country, enslaved to our own mindset (end rant...deep sigh. Any who, that's just my two cents. Everyday is a blessing regardless of we where are at in life.

This DIY is for those of you who believe in the benefits of a healthy breakfast, but may not have time to make it every morning. Its pretty simple. Bake the egg whites in a greased muffin pan for about 10-15 min at 365 degrees. Bake the muffins on a cookie sheet for about 5-7 min at 365 degrees. Fry the Canadian bacon on medium heat about 3-5 min on each side. Place the egg whites and bacon on the muffin bottoms. Add the cheese and the muffin tops. Wrap in wax paper and place in baggies. Let cool about 20-30 min and then put in the freezer. To unfreeze place in microwave about 2-3 min, and enjoy! I hope this helps you to get through your week a little bit easier. Goodnight beautiful people!

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